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Let's focus on Adults!
Published: Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Safeguarding Adults Week (15th-21st November 2021) is all about organisations and people coming together to raise awareness of safeguarding adults who are at risk of harm.
What is Adult Safeguarding?
Adult safeguarding is the term used to describe the function of protecting adults (18 or over who appear to have health and social care needs) from abuse or neglect. This is shared across a range of public services, but the key responsibility of the local authority. An adult at risk may be a person who:
- is elderly and frail due to ill health, physical disability or cognitive impairment
- has a learning disability
- has a physical disability and/or sensory impairment
- has mental health needs
- has a long term illness/condition
- missuses substances or alcohol
- is a carer such as family members and friends
- is unable to demonstrate the capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.
Adults can be more at risk of abuse when they live:
- alone
- have care and support needs
- depend on others for example to manage their money
- find it difficult to communicate.
What are the types of abuse?
The Care Act 2014 describes different types of abuse which can affect people, especially when they are unable to protect themselves or tell their own story. The Care Act 2014 also details the requirements placed on local authorities to keep those adults safe. There are ten main categories of abuse, which are:
- physical
- sexual
- psychological or emotional
- financial or material
- discriminatory
- neglect and acts of omission
- organisational or institutional
- domestic violence
- modern slavery and
- self-neglect.
If you are worried about a vulnerable person who lives in the Telford and Wrekin area being abused or neglected by other people, please say something. Help and advice is avalible via Family Connect by visting their website or click the link in the top right hand corner of this page.
Always call 999 if someone is in immediate danger.
Pages in Safeguarding Adults Week
- 1. Let's focus on Adults! - You are here
- 2. The Ann Craft Trust
- 3. Whistleblowing
- 4. Adult Grooming
- 5. Useful resources