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CCTV in Taxi's?

Published: Tuesday, 4 July 2023

We want your opinion!

Telford & Wrekin Council is conducting a survey and asking whether people think CCTV would help improve safety in taxis.


The public consultation runs from 30th June for eight weeks and comes as a result of industry standards set out by the Department for Transport (DfT).


The survey will provide evidence to help the council decide if mandatory CCTV in hackney carriage and private hire vehicles will improve general safety standards in the borough.


As a key stakeholder, Telford and Wrekin Council are extremely keen for you to give them your views so they can make an informed decision on what’s best for both passengers and drivers.


Telford and Wrekin Council  will also be consulting with other key stakeholders, together with members of the public. Telford and Wrekin Council are particularly keen to hear from those bodies who have engagement with taxis and have evidence where the use of CCTV would have offered benefits to either passengers or licensed drivers.


As you may already be aware, Telford & Wrekin Council currently has a voluntary CCTV policy in place for licensed taxi’s. The council recently secured funding to launch a pilot scheme where 25  licensed vehicles have been fitted with council approved CCTV.


To complete the survey please visit –