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The Independent Inquiry in to child sexual exploitation in Telford and Wrekin published its report in July 2022. As the safeguarding partnership for the borough we are responsible for making sure children and young people, as well as adults, have the help and protection they need. We are working through the recommendations and working with partners to ensure they are implemented by the end of this year.

Child sexual exploitation is everyone’s business.  If you know someone is in immediate danger you should call the police on 999.  If you have concerns or suspicions call the police on 101.  Alternatively, you can call Family Connect, part of Telford & Wrekin Council, on 01952 385385.


Joint Child Sexual Exploitation Review Group - Annual Report 2023 - This report is the first annual report produced by the Joint Child Sexual Exploitation Review Group. Its development has strengthened collaborative work, focused on sharing information and data.


Exploitation is defined by the Home Office as occurring “when an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive [a child]. The victim may have been criminally exploited even if the activity appears consensual. Criminal exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also be through the use of technology”.

There are several types of exploitation, including:

  • Sexual: victims can be forced, or appear willing, to work in the sex industry in a variety of locations. Often involves the use of the internet and can involve children;
  • Labour: victims work for offenders directly or for others and have their wages ‘taxed’ for living expenses by an offender;
  • Criminal: victims are forced or coerced into criminal activities;
  • Domestic servitude: a domestic helper or worker who performs a variety of tasks within their employer’s home, but there are restrictions on the worker’s movements, and they are forced to work long hours for little pay. They may also suffer physical and sexual abuse;
  • Forced marriage: when a person is put under pressure to marry someone, and can be threatened with physical or sexual violence or are placed under emotional or psychological distress in order to achieve these aims; and
  • Organ harvesting: victim’s organs, blood or eggs may be taken to be sold.


The Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership has a thematic subgroup for Child Exploitation which covers Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE), Children Exploiting Children, Missing Children, Cuckooing and Modern Slavery. The purpose of the group is to achieve step changes in performance in dealing with child exploitation within Telford and Wrekin through improvements in identification, investigation, prosecution, prevention and support.

What is the definition of CSE?

Following the Independent Inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford & Wrekin, and through working with some individuals with lived experience of child sexual exploitation who now work in the field of child sexual exploitation, both in the provision of support, and in policy and advice, Telford & Wrekin Council have adopted the following definition of child sexual exploitation:

"Child sexual exploitation is a type of modern slavery when a male or female under 18 is sexually exploited for the benefit or gain of someone else. The benefit or gain can come in many forms such as increased social status or financial gain. Some victims are also trafficked for the purpose of exploitation"

For further information on CSE please refer to the National Working Group website:

Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy Telford & Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board & Safer Telford & Wrekin Partnership Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy 2017 to 2020
Local Review on CSE In May 2016 the Telford & Wrekin Council Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee published its report into the multi-agency response to CSE in Telford and Wrekin.  Following which a multi-agency response was submitted. 

The Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership will be publishing an updated Child Exploitation Strategy for 2020-2023 in due course. 

If you or someone you know is at risk or is being exploited, there are a number of agencies you can contact for advice and support. Please tell someone.

  • Family Connect have a range of information on their website including signposting and resources, for children and young people who have been affected by exploitation
  • Telford & Wrekin Council have a dedicated Children Abused Through Exploitation (CATE) team, who work with those affected by exploitation. For referral to this service, please contact Family Connect on 01952 385285
  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a law enforcement agency, and can be used to report a concern about CSE via their website
  • West Mercia Police can be contacted if you want to report an incident or any suspicions you may have, and this can be done by either ringing 101 which is the non-emergency number, or by going to your local police station to speak to someone in person

If it is an emergency or there is an immediate danger, always ring 999.